
Friday 9 August 2013

10 People We Wish were Alive Today

Some people don’t just take birth and survive in the race called ‘life’; they excel to such as extent that they influence millions of people, through their deed or their brilliance in their field. These are remembered decades or even centuries after they die and people wish they could have never left this world every time their names pop up. Here’s a list of top 10 people we wish were alive today.
10. Jimi Hendrix (November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970)
Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix
A cult figure in the 1960s and the 1970s, Jimi Hendrix, born in Seattle, Washington was a guitarist, songwriter and a singer. Jimi served in the US Army till 1962 but his destiny was in music and he knew the passion for it was soon to be world known as he displayed his magic with the electric rock guitar. No one could do the things Jimi Hendrix could do with his guitar and his magic inspired many. Songs like the Purple Haze, Hey Joe, The Wind Cried Mary become instant hits in Britain and United States thus confirming Jimi as a rock superstar. People who attended his live performances always left in awe of his talent. Unfortunately, on September 18th, 1970, a drug related complication resulted in his tragic death. Jimi only stayed at the top for 4 fours years but his legacy still carries on....

9. Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994)
Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain
If you want to pick a symbol of the generation growing up in 1990s, that is Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the band Nirvana which gave the world an iconic song that is Smells Like Teen Spirit. Kurt didn’t have a great childhood which saw him turn to drugs at a very early but, he received a guitar at 14 and that was the start to his journey with music. Kurt was into Punk Rock and he began a band with his friends Chris and in 1987 they formed a band called Nirvana. 1991 saw the band release the album ‘Nevermind’ which became a huge hit. Cobain’s experiments with drugs expanded to usage of Heroine and that began his downfall. He was in coma for over 20 hours but he saw himself comeback only to see himself shot and suicide on 5th April, 1994. Kurt is still considered by millions as their idol. Apart from his music, Kurt’s famous quote “I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not” also became immortal.
8. Bruce Lee (Nov 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973)
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee
Born on November 27th, 1940, Bruce Lee returned to USA to claim his birthright citizenship. Bruce studied Philosophy and supported himself by teaching kids Kung-Fu. He faced some opposition as he taught Kung-Fu to everyone who wished but some people were against the idea of him teaching non Chinese kids. Bruce fought them and continued to teach. His rise to fame was when he acted in the series ‘The Green Hornet.’ Bruce went on to make many more movies such as the Fist of Fury, The Big Boss. But, his finest contribution was when he made the movie Enter the Dragon. Bruce was an inspiration to everyone and could do the kung fu tricks faster than anyone else. Just a month before the premier of Enter the Dragon, Bruce lost his life in a rather controversial way. Bruce was only 32 when he died. His legacy through his movies and Kung-Fu will live forever.

7. Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999)
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick
One of the finest film directors that the Hollywood has seen, Stanley Kubrick’s every film as a master class in itself. Born in New York City, Kubrick’s first job was as a photographer for Look magazine before turning to filmmaking in 1950. Kubrick delivered hits after hits as he made Spartacus, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey and the best of the lot – The Shinning. The magic of his films is still being talked about, be it the effects he used in Space Odyssey or the thrill and suspense he put in The Shinning. One can only imagine how Kubrick would have used the VFX which have improved so much in past 5 years.
6. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
MLK as he is widely known was one of the most key figures in American history.  His speech “I have a dream” established himself and one of the greatest orators in world history. He was an activist, a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. 1964 saw King receive a Nobel Prize for combating racial inequality. He believed in principles that Mahatma Gandhi believed in, those being nonviolence and justice. Unfortunately, King was assassinated as a bullet hit him on his cheek injuring him deeply. With the current issues all around the world pertaining with the racial discrimination, the world needs another Martin Luther King, Jr.
5. William Shakespeare (April 23, 1564 – April 23, 1616)
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
By far the most famous poet in the world, William Shakespeare was born in England in Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare never went to college but he is regarded as the most important figure in English literature. It is believed that a large chunk of the words that we use today were first used by Shakespeare in his extensive work in the 16th century. He is credited with over 3000 words. Shakespeare gave the world epic works like The Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Othello. His plays are still performed 400 years after he wrote them. His death is a bit of mystery but it is believed that he died on his birthday. His writing is the 2nd most quoted after the bible; it would be truly remarkable to live in an era Shakespeare lived in.
4. Heath Ledger (April 4, 1979 – January 22, 2008)
Heath Ledger
Heath Ledger
One of the worse tragedies in Hollywood’s history, Heath Ledger’s performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight will go down as one of the best performances in the history of movies. Unfortunately, he would not live until the film premiered. Ledger died due to an accidental overdose of a prescription pills. It is believed that his separation with his partner Michelle Williams and the dark role as a Joker led to Heath experimenting with drugs. Ledger received an Oscar award for his role as the Joker as his whole family went up to the stage to receive in what was one of the most emotional moments in Academy Awards’ history. One can only wish that Heath was alive to see how much people loved his performances.
3. Leonardo Da Vinci (April 15, 1492 – May 2, 1519)
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Most influential and by far the most famous painter in the world, Da Vinci, born in Vinci, Italy is regarded as one of most intelligent people to ever take birth. A mathematician, sculptor, inventor and a keen observer of the nature, Da Vinci’s findings and paintings are one of the most known things in the world. His work, The Last Supper is his most important work and also the most talked about along with his Mona Lisa painting. Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world and fascinates people every time they take a look at it. He studied the human anatomy in the age where little was known about it. Founder of the high renaissance style, one of the greatest naturalists who ever lived, it would be something to live in his era.

2. Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955)
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Born in Ulm, German in 1879, Albert Einstein is regarded as the man who single handedly changed the nature of physics. His theories of relativity earned him a Nobel Prize in 1921. Einstein also showed the world how nothing moved faster than light. He also showed the world how a tiny amount of matter could create an enormous amount of energy. Easily the most genius mind that has ever graced the Earth, Einstein’s theories were often hard to understand when he first presented them. A world peace supporting political activist towards the end of his life, Einstein is one of that handful of men who changed the way we see the universe.
1. John Lennon (October 9, 1940 – December 8, 1980)
John Lennon
John Lennon
Born in Liverpool, England, John Lennon is regarded as the most influential songwriter of all time. He, along with his friends, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr founded the band the Beatles, which became the biggest and the most popular band there has ever been. Lennon along with McCartney became the greatest song writing duo in the history of music. He once said The Beatle were more popular than Jesus. Apart from the countless number of great songs he gave the world; John was a staunch supporter of the causes which he saw were unwanted. Lennon and his wife Yoko in 1969 spent 2 weeks in bed to promote world peace. End to his life was tragic as he s deranged fan shot him in his apartment in New York.  Lennon still influences people around the world with his songs

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