
Sunday 25 August 2013

Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Oranges

Orange is a citrus fruit which belongs to the family of Rutaceae. Oranges were originated in Southeast Asia and are now cultivated worldwide, mostly in US states of California, Florida and Brazil. Brazil is in fact the world’s leading producer of oranges. Oranges are season fruit that are mostly grown in tropical and sub tropical climatic conditions. A large variety of oranges such as Joppa, Kona, Malta, Gardner and many more are available all around the world. Oranges can be either directly peeled off to be eaten fresh or they can even be consumed in the form of orange juice. We can also use oranges for garnishing or flavoring food in certain recipes. Perfumes, jellies, oils, honey and a lot more products can be produced using oranges. Oranges have high contents of Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Carbohydrates and many more vitamins and minerals which provide us with many health benefits. Not only the flesh, but the leaves, peel, flesh and even orangewood stick possess nutritional value and are considered to be very beneficial. This article will provide us with the top ten nutritionary advantages of including oranges in our diet.
lowers cholesterol
High concentration of hesperidin in the inner peel of oranges is considered to be very beneficial in lowering bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol level as hesperidin is one of the most essential flavonoids that is found in oranges. Flesh of oranges is not that rich in hesperidin as the inner peel and that is why we should cut the oranges in a way, so that we can intake more of the orange peel. Also, we can even bake the cake inside the peel to consume more of the hesperidin. Moreover, pectin, which helps to lowers the cholesterol level and slows down the absorption of fats in the body, is also found in oranges in large quantities....

balance blood pressure
According to recent studies it has been found that magnesium which is available in oranges in significant amounts have the capability to lower high blood pressure by three to four points and increase the low blood pressure by to two to three points, thereby controlling the blood pressure and bringing it back to normal. Thus, eating oranges give clinically significant results of balancing blood pressure. Also, availability of flavonoids that is hesperidin provides an added advantage of lowering high blood pressure. Drinking orange juice is considered to play the more vital role in managing blood pressure, rather than eating raw oranges.
treat arthritis
Flavonoids such as hesperidin and naringenin introduces anti inflammatory properties in oranges which plays a major role in treating arthritis. Due to these anti inflammatory properties the stiffness and pain of muscle and joins is relieved to a great extent. Research done at Arthritis Research Campaign Epidemiology, UK states that a single glass of fresh orange juice if consumed per day, have the ability to reduce the risk of developing disorders related with inflammation and most of all rheumatoid arthritis. Oranges also contains Vitamin C which are proven to be very effective in reducing inflammation, thus treating arthritis.
advantageous for brain development
Glycemic index is the rate at which sugar enters the brain cells of the body from the food that we eat. This index plays an important role in development of the brain as if glycemic index is low in foods then it will not push the pancreas to secrete too much insulin which in turn will steadier the blood sugar thereby increasing our performance and controlling our behavior. Oranges contains carbohydrates and also possess low glycemic index which thus is considered to be very advantageous in brain development. Presence of folate and folic acid in oranges also provides an added advantage in the proper development of brain.
provides cardiovascular benefits
Hesperidin which is a flavonoid helps to improve the health of those delicate cells that are aligned with blood vessels. Occurrence of any problem with these cells can cause the development of clogging of the arteries which is the major risk factor for strokes and heart attacks. Oranges, as we know are a rich source of this plant based compound, hesperidin, thus helping to lower the risk of heart diseases of a person. To glean the full benefits of hesperidin present in oranges, we can grate the peel of the orange and use to flavor salads, cereals, soups, tea and yogurt as it will provide us with numerous cardiovascular benefits and will help to keep our heart healthy.
prevents cancer
An orange a day is the best way of keeping cancer away. Oranges contain a compound known as D – limonene which according to various scientific research has been shown to be very effective in preventing many types of cancers such as breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and mouth cancer. Oranges possess blood clot inhibiting and anti tumor properties which reduce the risk of developing different types of cancer. Moreover, high concentration of Vitamin C present in oranges provides anti oxidant properties to our body which in turn protect the cells from getting damaged by free radicals that have the ability to develop tumors.
prevent ulcers
Ulcers usually occur in the stomach and small intestine. Oranges are rich in fiber content and are thus very helpful in protecting our stomach and intestine against ulcers. Ulcers may sometimes also lead to constipation as food will not break down properly because of ulcers and will be clogged up in our colon. Eating an orange per day will help to stimulate the digestive juices thus providing us relief from constipation. Therefore, oranges not only help to prevent ulcers but also help to reduce its effect if a person is already having ulcer. Fresh orange juice is also very favorable in preventing and treating ulcers.
provides protection from infections
Oranges are those citrus fruit that contains more than 150 different pytochemicals plus a numerous flavonoids that are more than 60 in number. All these nutrients enrich oranges with anti oxidant properties that help to protect our body against viral infections. Not only this, the presence of Vitamin C in oranges in strong concentration stimulates the formation of white cells which thereby helps in improving the immune system of our body. Also, availability of high content of calcium in oranges maintains and protects the health of bones and teeth and keeps them healthy. That is how eating oranges helps to keep us healthy and sound.
prevent kidney stones
Consuming freshly squeezed orange juice on regular basis can significantly minimize the risk of the development of kidney stones. Kidney stones are mostly developed when the chemicals and minerals in the urine becomes too concentrated. Citrate present in oranges decreases the acidity of urine thereby preventing formation of kidney stones. Although, fresh juices of all citrus fruits are beneficial for the prevention of kidney stones, but fresh orange juice is considered to be the most effective one as shown in a preliminary study. People who had kidney stones are advised to include oranges in their diet as such people are at higher risk of developing recurrent stones and the ones who are suffering from kidney stones must consume orange juice regularly to treat it.
lovely girl with glass of orange juice
Damaging of free radicals present in the skin leads to aging of the skin. Antioxidant properties of oranges help to provide protection to the skin from free radical damage. Eating oranges or drinking a glass of orange juice per day guarantees a clear complexion. Moreover, the skin and peel of the orange can also be grated and used in the face packs to get a glowing skin as the antioxidants present in the skin and peel removes the uneven and blotchy skin and provides us with a younger and healthier skin which is free of toxins. Thence, oranges slow down the process of aging and render us with hearty skin.

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