
Saturday 24 August 2013

Top 10 Reasons to Get a Dog as a Pet

Dogs are those animals which are known for their cuteness, loyalty and their vested love for their masters. In fact they were the first domesticated animals which are generally used for hunting, working and as pets by humans. There are many breeds of dogs such as Pug, Boxer, Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Beagle and a thousand more. They also possess various health benefits and have the ability to enhance psychological and physical health of humans. But, as we know, with the good comes the bad, so they also possess health risks to humans and thence must be vaccinated before petting. They are known for performing different roles for people such as assisting police, pulling loads, herding and many more other roles. Though there are just countless reasons for petting a dog, but this article will list the top ten among them, so that we can know the importance of owning a dog and thus buy it as soon as possible.
regular exercise
Having a dog also helps us to stay fit. As we know, that if we are keeping a dog as our pet then we have to take care of its diet and exercise. Taking our dog out for a walk not only keeps him healthy but also will include daily exercise in our routine. We all are aware that walking provides us with unlimited health benefits such as lowering our blood pressure and bad cholesterol level, reducing stress, increasing blood circulation, providing us with a sound sleep, preventing heart diseases and many more countless advantages. Also, when we walk, run or bicycle with a friend then it is more fun to do. They care so much about our health that they will go out of their way to take us out. Thus, when we own a dog, we are also getting an added bonus of a healthy and a longer life.....

helps to build our character
When we have a dog we can learn great life skills from them. A dog will make us responsible as we have to look after all its needs such as we have to take care of its food, give it a shower, take it for a walk and many other things. This will inculcate in us a sense of responsibility. We will also learn the attribute of sharing as when we pet a dog we share our food, our happiness, our sorrows and most of the things with it, which instills in us the nature to share things with everyone. A dog can also teach us compassion, negotiation and increases our patience level. They basically bring out the best in us and thence help to build or character. These positive traits that are imparted in us by our dog will help us in the long run to achieve great success and reach great heights.
helps to socialise
Dogs help us to make new friends in many different platforms. Taking our dog for a walk in a park or a garden, gives us a chance to meet new people and interact with them. We get to know different people and thus can make a big social circle. Also, when we take our dogs for pet shows or competitions, there will a lot of people from different places to participate in such events. This provides us an opportunity to hang around with a lot of people and also to learn new things and facts about dogs. For those people who live alone, dogs provide structure and meaning to their life by helping them to socialize. That is how, dogs act as a bridge to establish contact with other people and can provide us with a lot of more friends apart from them.
provides safety
We all know that dogs are the best guards, any person can ever have. Their senses are stronger as compared to humans. They can smell danger from far distances and because of their unconditional love for us will do anything to protect us from it. Petting a dog provides us house safety from robberies and theft as dogs start barking loudly whenever they sense something fishy thereby guarding our house and protecting us. They are also used by many investigatory departments to search for clues at criminal sites and to hunt down criminals because of their sharp vision and great smelling power.
relaxes our mood
A dog has the ability to relax our mood, no matter how much tired we are. When we come back home from work, the way the dog greet us with so much affection, it just vanishes all the stress and tension that we have because of workload. Having a dog is like having our own personal happiness machines. According to studies conducted on dogs, it has been stated that it is in the nature of dogs to make people happy, as it makes dogs happy. They basically teaches us how to enjoy life.
comforts us
A dog will be always there for us whenever we need him the most. They can even spend all their time pushing a wheelchair when it comes to caring and comforting someone. Dogs feel our pain because they treat us like our family and that is why they never leave us alone, come what may. They act like our support system during our bad times and know how to comfort us. We can cry in front of them and express all our feelings in front of them, and they literally understand it. One can always share what they feel in front of their dog, and they will definitely be there to listen to us and comfort us.
cute child playing with a puppy
Loyalty of dogs never expires. Once they start loving you, they will always remain loyal to you whether it is any situation. Because of the loyalty that they possess to their masters, they are even sometimes referred to as pack animals. They want to belong to or be a part of a pack, whether it is made of humans or dogs or in fact any animal. It is in their instinct to want to bond, to protect the fellow members of the pack and to contribute to their pack. This nature to want to love and be loved make them loyal towards our family and us which according to them is their pack.
Companionship means a state of being with someone or to have someone in our life with whom we can perform every single task. Dogs are social animals that bloom on companionship with their family. They act as our teacher, our friend and our family, thus playing different roles in our lives. They act like our companions because we can eat with them, play with them, watch television with them, go out with them, sleep with them and can do almost every single activity of our daily routine with them. One can never feel lonely if she or he owns a dog.
dogs are good cleaners
Dogs are also good cleaners. They do not create that much mess, and in fact they can be trained to clean the mess. They can be taught cleanliness tips such as if they want to pee then they either go to the washroom or outside the house, not to drop the food, to pick up the waste and throw it in the dustbin and many other things that will keep the house clean. Since they are very good and fast learners, they grasp all these tips very easily and follow them with full obedience in order to keep the house clean.
they provide unconditional love
If we pet a dog, we can definitely imagine never feeling unloved again. The best part about their love is that they never judge, they just provide us with unconditional love. Many people would say to us, that they will love us forever, but dogs are the only ones who actually mean it. Their love for us, know no boundaries and therefore they will never leave us hanging in any situation.

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